InWorld Traveler’s BlogbyMatt RayReunion — A Beautiful Volcanic IslandFrance’s Hidden Hawaii — Paradise in the Indian OceanFeb 27, 20219Feb 27, 20219
InWorld Traveler’s BlogbyMatt RayReunion — A Beautiful Volcanic IslandFrance’s Hidden Hawaii — Paradise in the Indian OceanFeb 27, 20219Feb 27, 20219
InSNAPSHOTSbyMatt RayA Journey of a LifetimeA Challenge Story Told Through Pictures: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something BlueJan 10, 202114Jan 10, 202114
InLiterally LiterarybyMatt RaySunmaskA Poem about yet another sunset of hundreds seen on a circumnavigationApr 12, 20211Apr 12, 20211
InLiterally LiterarybyMatt RayGuiding StarSome prose about a directional star that came up to guide us on our sailboatApr 15, 2021Apr 15, 2021
InILLUMINATIONbyMatt RayWake WatchingA poem about watching the wake behind your sailboatApr 15, 20211Apr 15, 20211
InLiterally LiterarybyMatt RaySurfing On The SeaA poem about sailing in the open oceanApr 16, 20214Apr 16, 20214
InWorld Traveler’s BlogbyMatt RayJamestown, St HelenaOne of many unexpected islands along my journey, circumnavigating by Global HitchHikingApr 16, 20212Apr 16, 20212
InWorld Traveler’s BlogbyMatt RayUnique Sailing Photos Around The WorldSailing-centric snapshots of boats I’ve been on, traveling around the world.Apr 17, 20216Apr 17, 20216
InCurated NewslettersbyMatt RayTelltales: An Important Key to Good Sailing & LifeAn Analogy to Help Steer Your CourseApr 21, 20214Apr 21, 20214
InJournal of JourneysbyMatt RaySailing the Indian OceanIn 2018 I sailed with two friends from Darwin, Australia to Capetown, South Africa. It was one of the most memorable years of my life, and…Jun 14, 20203Jun 14, 20203
InThe StartupbyMatt RayHow Does US Healthcare Compare With Healthcare Around the World?What I Learned by Sailing Around the World for Three YearsJun 1, 20205Jun 1, 20205
InGlobal HitchHikingbyMatt RayFarmer’s Cay; A Great Place to Weather A Storm in The BahamasA few years ago, while sailing from Virginia to Aruba on a 61-foot sailboat with a friend of mine, we were traveling through the Bahamas…May 31, 20201May 31, 20201
Ina Few WordsbyMatt RayQuarantines: Where Did They Come From?As we all start participating in self-inflicted and government-mandated Coronavirus quarantines, you might be curious about how…Mar 17, 202010Mar 17, 202010
Matt RaySail-Inspired SongsA Search for the Best Sailing Songs on the PlanetFeb 23, 20207Feb 23, 20207
InGlobal HitchHikingbyMatt RayGlobal HitchHiking — Sailing Around The World by CrewingIntroductionAug 21, 20231Aug 21, 20231
InGlobal HitchHikingbyMatt RayGlobal HitchHiking III — Sailing Around The World by CrewingHow to Find Boats or CrewApr 29, 2019Apr 29, 2019
InGlobal HitchHikingbyMatt RayGlobal HitchHiking IV — Crewing Around the World on SailboatsSafety ConsiderationsMay 3, 2019May 3, 2019